// wishlist, shoutout + + +

the ZOMFGWTFBBQ iPhone 3GS! classic dream! (Granted)

the super hot LOMO LC-A+ RL Camera !!

not using twitter anymore, \\


got deviantart?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

gifts and curses.

I want to blog so much as I want to upload any photos but lately I have not taken any photos with my cams! This sucks. But hell, it drains out every cents I have in my pocket to develop these films and buying lenses just to satisfy this curiosity. Other than that, I'm going with dudes that don't really appreciate anything about photography and shit. So I'm kinda influenced with lots of THEIR stuffs, doing new stuffs forgetting what I usually do when I'm out with friends - Take photos!

Have you ever wondered why I always put strange title on my posting? If you ask me, I have no idea as well. I don't really think of the title, just any word or sentence that comes across my head, I straight away capture them into one arrangement of words and taadaaa, they are my titles.

Some moments where my friends are graduating.. It's their 4th year here. I gotta admit, they are strong to survive those years until they finally graduate. I hope I can be like them and someone gonna have to be my photographer during my graduation.

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