// wishlist, shoutout + + +

the ZOMFGWTFBBQ iPhone 3GS! classic dream! (Granted)

the super hot LOMO LC-A+ RL Camera !!

not using twitter anymore, \\


got deviantart?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Burning Bright

Now that i've moved on. Today by accident i found a really old item that gives back so much precious memories to ,e. And right away, it hurts me so bad because sometimes i feel that a good person like her doesnt deserve a selfish jerk like me. But anyways, i just wish she has a blessed life and get what she deserves. No matter how hard its been all along, i just want to thank everyone and a special someone for giving me love.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

honest to god i will break your heart, tear you to pieces and rip you apart

sometimes in life, your parents wont understand, your friend wont understand, neither will your boyfriend or girlfriend.

and no matter how hard you try, there is no possibility to treat your own boyfriend/girlfriend as your bestfriend because they are just not. they gonna annoy you with all the words that you dont need to hear.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Meaning of Dream

I just had the strangest dream in my life. I was murdered or killed.

The story goes like, it begins in a church. I don't know how I got there but I didn't put myself there. The dream put me there. 
I was there standing, and to my surprise I saw my ex-girlfriend and my girlfriend there with me. It is kinda blur at this part but all I did was trying to get out of it like as if I could not take it to be there. So I took them out as well. 
The next thing happened was I and my brother were sent to a big ship. I went into the ship to assassinate a guy who looks like Hitler. After sneaking and stuff, we were in this spiral ladder and Hitler showed up. Ridiculously, I chose to throw away the gun before Hitler sees me so that I can reason with him that I was there not to kill him. Apparently he was not interested in any talking, anyone who dares to sneak into his ship is dead. He then shot my brother first and then me. 

Strange, but I swear it scared the fuck out of me. I dreamt a lot, but this one is the true nightmare.
The part when I was shot, It just went pitch black. A complete darkness and all I did was thinking whether I was really dead or not. I could not get out even I tried, trapped in a dark. It feels like hours, I tried to wake myself up but I just could not. I felt miserable, and I regret for not saving my brother. "If only I dared to stand and just shoot Hitler instead of giving excuses."

So then, after I woke up. I cant fucking get rid of the dream. I even barely remember what happened but I know I was killed in the dream. Then I googled "Dream of being killed means"
Here is what I found:

To dream that you have been killed suggests that your actions are disconnected from your emotions and conscience. The dream refers to drastic changes that you are trying to make. There is a characteristic that you want to get rid of or a habit that you want to end within yourself. Killing represents the killing off of the old parts and old habits. Alternatively, the dream represents feelings of being let down or betrayed by someone in your waking life. You are feeling overwhelmed, shocked and disappointed.

This shit has a strong message.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

drink it down and smile

You are a hipster. 80% of the kids I met are hipsters. yes, they think they are hip and cool.

Let me tell you something, I will never get along with ya. You turn on mainstream music mp3 u downloaded somewhere off the internet and played them over and over. You wear that hip-hip jacket, big-big glasses, and maybe you have to bring an umbrella as well during the day. You want to be just like the crowd, when you aren't you to think you are old-fashioned. 

OH FUCK YOU. you all are fags. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Right where I belong

I don't know but I believe I am much more fired up to get things done pretty well here in Suzhou.

Maybe it was because that I needed myself to know back when I was in Indonesia how restless and useless I was to come back home but not having my purpose fulfilled. And this time I am given a chance to finish this.

And talking about age, by the way I begin to feel OLD, man! I am no longer like some of those fresh highschool graduates who feel that being put to study aboard is a Total Freedom. What I feel now is, you are meant to be here because you have something to be accomplished. Yeah, I guess that's about it. Another wall of texts, im sorry for not putting any picture, haven't been taking group pictures or anything here.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Haha Huhu~

So I was like going to this karaoke with my cousin and his gf. Unexpectedly they were bringing more friends which I haven't met before yet. So I just enjoyed the karaoke and just being easy going as easy as i can (wtf is going easy as easy as i can?)

so after some times, i finally came out with a "yes" after they asking me to sing a fucking song for so many times. I was shy but fuck it. that eminem feat rihana love the way you lie song pops and i blast like one fucking rapping star man. eventhough i got out of breath at some moments but i totally stunned them and myself, actually, that i could do the rap quite flawlessly MAN! HAHAHAH. it was definitely an epic shame for the 2 guys who deliberately chose linkin park "in the end" song and messed up the rap and verses, totally. hahahhaha.

Was fun. no PUN intended LOL. I know you guys are viewing this. THANKS :D

Saturday, August 20, 2011

who you reaching out to?

somehow i'm so obsessed with this song and the rap.

by the way...

a very typical shit you all may be going through is backstabbers - if you live with many different people in different places like me. well, dealing with backstabbers, there is one thing I learned and i think you should know: they are only powerful when you have your back turned.

Friday, August 19, 2011

bringing chorus to the dirt

I wanted to blog so much, since I have plenty of times all night long going through this insomnia madness. But I know I must not put another walls of text full of rants. Plus, somehow I can't access deviantart from here. This sucks so bad :(

The only time I enjoy myself is only when I am out of this house spending time with my fellow friends. Maybe thats cus I let go some disturbing thoughts when I'm hanging out. Once I step into my house, all the pressure and shit start filling my head and bam - I have issue dealing with my mum. I got mad so easily. Oh gawd what should I do.. this shit will still apply though "Laugh at your problems, everybody else does."

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Flightless Bird

I don't know if anyone is still reading this blog. It ain't like 2009! My blog is now quite boring xD I know it, but its just me - I just love to write whatever that comes on my mind ever since I was a very young kid. I used to make my own silly heroic stories on wordpad when I was a very young kid, no kidding.

So now why am I so afraid of falling down. This is the main point of this posting, my deepest fear in life.
I may be growing in a good enough family, having enough for almost everything - materials and non-materials.

But, eventually, things change. I have to take responsibility in life, and the most important thing is to learn how to survive without taking a free ride.

Honestly I am unhappy with my present state. Unhappy with myself. Unhappy with the outcome of my life. It is too late to change the past no matter how much I talk it over, and complain about it, and I will still be in the position I am in.

I can no longer live the life like I had, I must change my ways. I have to make the right choice.

Easier said then done, I know. But at least I realized how lucky I have been all along. Things will get better in time because I still believe the best is yet to come.