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the ZOMFGWTFBBQ iPhone 3GS! classic dream! (Granted)

the super hot LOMO LC-A+ RL Camera !!

not using twitter anymore, \\


got deviantart?

Sunday, July 5, 2009


I'm not a crybaby, I'm the crybaby.

I would say that its starting to feel kinda annoying when i realise that some old friends who used to be so naive just turned into some sort of clubbing monsters. Its cool, congratulation that they could even make it to enter regardless of their age. But its not funny anymore if they often come to you now acting bitchy and said 'Aww we should go to club together.. aww which one you used to go to.. aww dont you know, one fucking night, a hot guy wanted to kiss me when i was high but then i...'. I've just had enough. Firstly, they're just goddamn lame and they're like a white belt martial art player that walks out to the street a lil too proudly. Maybe it would be epic if they ask me to go with em, cus ya know what, i'll probably gonna take some random photos of these big girls having fun throughout the night and then finally show em to their parents for some nice little comments..?

It's the 5th of July already and exams are just near in the corner... so hum hallelujah... just off the key of reason. Wish me luck for next week Malay Language 'O's Oral Examination..!

/edit on 6th to keep it clear for some who may be mistakenly offended


  1. ou cara kasih comment kayak gini yah???wkwkkw..gud gud..untung loe ajarin gw..kalo gak selamanya itu gw gak bakal ks comment.

  2. jia you !!!
    belajar yg rajin !! jangan FB n jalan2 mulu =x
    jalan2nya ama aku aja . ntn ice age 3 yok !
    wkakwkakkw =x
    take care bro !! JBU

  3. prasaan ak sring banget ngajar ya, jadi guru aja kali ya cil? huahuahua... bud, it has always been u that kept reminding me, well.. A LOT OF THANKS! its now back to me to choose the best for myself..

  4. guru perguruan apa dolooo neh.hahahahaha.
