// wishlist, shoutout + + +

the ZOMFGWTFBBQ iPhone 3GS! classic dream! (Granted)

the super hot LOMO LC-A+ RL Camera !!

not using twitter anymore, \\


got deviantart?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

drink it down and smile

You are a hipster. 80% of the kids I met are hipsters. yes, they think they are hip and cool.

Let me tell you something, I will never get along with ya. You turn on mainstream music mp3 u downloaded somewhere off the internet and played them over and over. You wear that hip-hip jacket, big-big glasses, and maybe you have to bring an umbrella as well during the day. You want to be just like the crowd, when you aren't you to think you are old-fashioned. 

OH FUCK YOU. you all are fags. 

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