Back for an update. great thanks to Budi for the fun, great hangout with Budz, atan, carin, wendy, and andy. not to forget to mention; jason, andrew, brenda, and william were there too. some of them kept mentioning the 'laughing' sound effect. actually i always giggle when you laughed so loud. funny although it kinda silly. good job Budz!!! but then the birthday party isnt so great, emptiness is emptiness of an old time. why? some just come, eat, nothing much to talk about. no joke pops up, total strangers duh. the host didn't really care much, thats the problem. i enjoyed myself much for the dinner and met Asiong againnnn!
Someone taught me this.. "you know the very basic of business, the basic of management & marketing, so going for another course would be good if you master the basic first." wooot. clap clapppp clapp. sooo confident! likey likey! so that time i was in his house. He got his university done, and he jumped into this "chef academy" area. man, thats fantastic! and he is good at what he do...

looks like the Opera House..This dude handmade this easily. so eventhough if you are a business & marketing graduate, whos stopping you to choose other courses as long as it suits your passion.. dare to take the risk and go through it.. *weeeee.....!*
i like ur last paragraph again! iyah..walaupun gw suckily ambil bisnis pilihan mama gw,gw tetep harus pursue psychology after business...haha!
ReplyDeleteeh eh emang segitu buruknya kah party kmrn? lu kenal asiong?walah..asiong kan adiknya temen deket sec.sch gw..kmrn gw sama cicinya a siong itu baru jalan ber2 bareng.LOLS
NAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH gini lohh!!! bisa comment ! kan asik .. wakkwakwk
ReplyDeleteaku suka lipetannya !! keren ! n i do agree wif Ncil
mana updateannya lagi ? .. wkakwkakw ..
jangan lupa belajar yah !!! ayo !! belajar !!
thanksss (:
ReplyDeleteBud..namaku bukan Ncil..
ReplyDeleteaku cecil.wakakaka..iyah Wan..loe mesti rajin2 belajar..*ngebacot mode:ON* (dengan gaya ortu mengomentari anaknya)..muahaha..iyah gak seneng n bangga kalo loe jd orang berhasil!
ok now 1 become 2, wat else can get any better than this
ReplyDeleteiya .. saya bangga kalo bung Wanda success !
ayooooo !! JIA YOU !! BELAJAR BE LA JAR !!
B E L A J A R!!
eh lu tau asiong? wew. mao jalan bareng nda? skalian la knalin ak sama cc nya.. LOL
ReplyDeleteWanda lagi ngomong sama siapa?aku Wan???gw kenal asiong..cicinya sekelas sama gw dulu