// wishlist, shoutout + + +

the ZOMFGWTFBBQ iPhone 3GS! classic dream! (Granted)

the super hot LOMO LC-A+ RL Camera !!

not using twitter anymore, \\


got deviantart?

Friday, June 10, 2011

So just let me live my life. (I don't really have to mention this but, seriously no offense.)

I hate this but I suck at convincing people that I am pretty much always solo things that I do. So whenever I refuse somebody's involvement, it is just hard to avoid them from taking hard feeling over it. To be honest though, I am happy to be independent. I am happy doing my own things. I am happy not to be nosy enough to involve myself in unnecessary gatherings, social thingy shit, or anything else that does not interest me.

Friday, June 3, 2011

whatever you're doing

I used to love and I did break people's heart. Once that happened, it infused one or two things into my mind which the main point is: "If you dare to love, you are about to hurt her". Hence, this kind of mindset keeps me alone and keeping a distance from any females just cuz i'm afraid to fall for someone.

Here is the thing. At my age, honestly I need a companion. Friends are friends, lovers are lovers. But sometimes you need someone you can call her/him a partner. Someone who has the passion to accompany you, understand you, and of course he/she must suit to your personal liking. Being scared of hurting or to be hurt is an excuse. And here I am, throwing away all those excuses, starting anew. Whats gonna happen next? It is up to you.