Luke 10:25-28
And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou? And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.
This is what i found when i was figuring out about some "ethicological" things which at the same time is within Christian circles, quite kewl knowing non-believers would definitely slide down into hell?
Just a thought, the hero lives - and the bad guy..?
it is always the shining people, the unselfish one that people originally would pray to be.
"From comparing myself to everyone else around me, i may not be making any sense because of having thoughts like kids who never make it." - i'll keep that in mind, mate. i feel like taking sour sips from life's lush (abundant) lips, thanks; glad to know how "constructive" the words from your mouths are.
At around 18.00PM i was thinking to dine with friends @ Novena Ayam Penyet so then i called Budi if he might still be working. Unfortunately, he got a prayer meeting to attend so he could not stay after 8. He asked me whether i need to reserve seats and i said yes. However, some friends called me later on telling me they could not make it. As only few people left, we decided to cancel the dinner. Then i texted Budi that we actually are not going to come, and this is his reply "Ndk apa de. Ga tau knp. Aku juga heran. Tadi aku tiba2 lupa (loh). Then pas doa barusan baru inget then tiba2 ada yang bilang 'dun worry'. Then aku cek hp. U blg ga jadi! Halelujah! Aku masih stunned sampe skarang! God is so awesome!"
i never reply him, he supposed to be busy at that time. Hmm he must be very tired that he forgets things so easily. And wow, he forget things for good! and all the best bud, i can only wish the best for you.
at trust, love and hope -
no matter how golden-plated the life you lived, the dreamers would stay away from you and mothers who raised their babies would pray for them not to grow just to be you. Golden Rule is cruel.