// wishlist, shoutout + + +
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Folie à deux
A song "Coffee's for closers" by Fall Out Boy is like my addiction. How do i explain this... its like... GUE BANGET. Which means.. it consists me in it. I feel as if what i am inside is somehow connected to the song... enjoy ;)
//addin up...!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Change will come, oh, change will come!
School has reopened, that means the gate to the world of stress (imagining world of warcraft) has been opened. That 7-days-off of quarantine shit doesn't apply to me, because i frickin stay safe & sound in Singapore this whole month. Gotta check for reliable information tomorrow just for confirmation.
I gotta off. Oyasuminasai!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Man In The Mirror
Michael Jackson
Gotta make a change
For once in my life It's gonna feel real good Gonna make a difference Gonna make it right
As I turned up the collar on A favorite winter coat This wind is blowin' my mind
I see the kids in the street With not enough to eat Who am I to be blind?
Pretending not to see their needs
A summer's disregard A broken bottle top And a one man's soul
They follow each other On the wind ya' know 'Cause they got nowhere to go
That's why I want you to know
I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place Take a look at yourself and then make a change, yey
(Na na na, na na na, na na na na oh ho..)
I've been a victim of A selfish kinda love It's time that I realize There are some with no home
Not a nickel to loan Could it be really pretending that they're not alone?
A willow deeply scarred Somebody's broken heart And a washed out dream
(Washed out dream)
They follow the pattern of the wind ya' see 'Cause they got no place to be
That's why I'm starting with me
I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place Take a look at yourself and then make a change
No message could have been any clearer If you wanna make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself and then make the change You gotta get it right, while you got the time
'Cause when you close your heart Then you close your mind
(Stand up, stand up, stand up)
Make that change
Stand up and lift yourself, now
Make that change
Make that change
The bold is only for variation of words. I think that this lyrics is about how every individual should self-reflect before praying for the world to change. A masterpiece, indeed.
Farewell to the King of Pop
You guys have heard the news about Michael Jackson right... For those who may not know.. He has passed away on thursday 25 June 2009 in Los Angeles due to cardiac arrest (Heart Attack).. He was 50..
I was shocked and I truly feel a great loss because he has always been my only childhood idol. MJ is absolutely a great singer whos talent in songwriting is Godlike and an amazing dancer, he introduced World his Moonwalk dance :). But look, The world has lost its only King of Pop!!! Honestly, I never really care that much when i heard a big celebrity has passed away, but MJ is another different story. I dont know about you guys, MAN I'M REALLY SAD FOR THIS..

His appearance at giant O2 venue in London (March).

People hold up Michael Jackson pictures at UCLA Medical Plaza in Los Angeles, California.
[taken from Yahoo! Photos]
My thoughts about the legendary King of Pop.. i'll try to make it as short as possible so not too wordy..
It is sad how people forget the skill in dancing, the skill in singing just because he was accused of touching little boys. So the media is like following them around with a little damn camera taking snapshot here and there like a mutated alien or something. Aren't celebrities just regular people? If i were a celebrity, probably i will go insane.
To me, he is the only singer that was so concerned about our Earth. He showed alot of love to his fans, he showed alot of care to humankind. Don't you agree? So if somebody turns his/her back at him just because of the accusation shit thrown at him, plus nobody even knows if its true, i have a message for you.... go f*ck yourself BLESS YOU!
Rest in peace Michael Jackson
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Bada Bing! Wit a Pipe!
....Of course, Wanda is studying!
No no no.. YOU'RE WRONG! It's not because i'm studying, it's because i'm slacking too much that i don't even know what subject was for the exam on the next day. holyshit!
Okay lets not going deep into these negative things, cus i dun wanna bring too much negative note into my blog.. So school is about to go for another 7 days off, it is due to the H1N1 outbreak aka Swine Flu. As a result, it made me happy but also worry about my study. If there's too much holiday, my result is gonna be like another holyshit as well. But if there's no more holiday, i will be holyshitting all day long by the heavy homework. Pretty confusing! self-studying? err..
So i'm back people! updating my blog as usual.. hohoh! OH, its amazing to see my viewers almost hit 200. Sry for being an arsehole for not posting anything new these last few days.
I happen to be digging at my old photos and i found this..

This picture was taken last year. We thought we were cool back there but the truth is, its like a group of jokers featuring the most retarded guys from Toa Payoh to Bishan. Look at me, look how confident i was. NO, actually i lied, we were cool people. And laiguan, he always has the loook of hollywood actor when he put a shade on. lol. lastly, thats my best buddy carlos, the man every pinoy girls wishing for. lol. peace out!
and this one is even older.. lol..
It was 2006, roughly 3 years ago just approximately around june also. It was an interesting class, so many new things we learn and this is the beginning where we all start off.
DANG! Why the hell am i doing this... remniscing..? OK i know. Someone gonna say "aww... our wanda is so emotional..." already. oh shutup baby. i'm a grown up asian boy ok! look, i even have a photo being beaten by a little korean girl. well, not exactly..

see??? I'm okay eventhough she violently won't let me show up in the pic.. I got slapped real hard behind there without her realising it..
WAIT.. but this would make me look childish and perverted... shit..
i'm just happy for the holiday next week if it really gonna happens. geez.. i need to chill out..
i'll post another stuff next time... please dont take every word seriously if i said anything offensive. and forgive me for saying too much 'it was'.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
enjoy life. dont worry be happy. everyone got their own prob yo.
You know, more and more people having hard times in recent days, and its happening all over the place, no matter how old they are.. economy goes bad to worse, even worse than worst for some. but you know again, people need to enjoy life. theres lots of depressed, sad, and shy people. These sad people.. they annoy me. why?
cus sad people make me sad... and when i'm sad, i'm not happy. (.........)
Usually when they are unhappy, they always question. "why does my life suck... why this.. why that..."
well you know, i get sad too... when i fail at something... when i lose a game.. when im accused of rape...
nah. i was just joking.. got that? its a joke... but i do get sad sometimes...
so my point is when you are unhappy, what is the benefit for whining about your problem all day long.. its not gonna solve anything either i guess? u got me?
oh why did i mention shy people in the beginning? why do they annoy me?
cus shy people, they always sit in the corner. they dont interact with people. how can you be happy when you dont interact with people?
So.. Just enjoy life every hour minute and second of it. Meet new people. And try to look at the positive side of things. Sometimes you just need to drag your thoughts away from your troubles. Thats all peeps! I truly hope that this topic is gonna be for everyone to think about for themselves... (<<< this last sentence seems wrong to me but i dunno how to correct them. lol.)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
High & Dry #2
alas. i did study today. i kinda feel proud of myself. BUT, temptation is always the main thing that i have a problem to deal with. while i was studying, my friend introduced me this Musicshake software. It is a free application that allows you to create music the easy way. pretty cool... so i tried it out.. i managed to make one song...
For You - Rainchild
if you can't see the embed media, here's the link http://www.imeem.com/wandasan/music/896k1mhm/rainchild-for-you/
Monday, June 15, 2009
This afternoon
Well my headache has not gone any better yet, and a call from school just made it worse. So i decided to go with Andrew to have lunch together. Everything goes good, yeahh, and . until on the way back, i got a soothing pain in my head out of sudden.
andrew : wanda, wats wrong wit u, u looked pale u know..
me : nothing. i felt ok just now until we walked out of the mrt station.
touching the back of my head, i told him that recently i got headache that always comes and go..
andrew : have u been ****** alot?
me : what does it have to do wit this man...
andrew : i know. wanda you got a BRAIN CANCER..
Oh hell no, very smart of you buddy implying that i have a frickin brain cancer at my young age... thank you for making my day by telling me that andrew.. lol its ok, i forgive u already...
but as im walking down back to my hostel, that frickin brain cancer thingy never perish from my head. i might be delusional for just believing in his joke but for my current situation it somehow gives a good message to me...
as soon as i reached home, i googled it and i found these..
As with tumors elsewhere in the body, the exact cause of most brain tumors is unknown. Genetic factors, various environmental toxins, radiation, and cigarette smoking have all been linked to cancers of the brain, but in most cases, no clear cause can be shown.
The following factors have been proposed as possible risk factors for primary brain tumors. Whether these factors actually increase the risk of a brain tumor is not known for sure.
Radiation to the head
An inherited (genetic) risk
HIV infection
coffe's for closers
"what for?" have u ever been asked "what for?" or "what do u need it for?" by your friends? ok lets make it clear, lets all demote using this retarded silly question "what for", cus u know what? like yesterday, i was in chong's (some random fake name) house. and i wanted to clean my teeth so i asked him "can i borrow your toothpaste?" while i still carrying a toothbrush and towel with me. So this dear friend of mine gave me this obnoxious question, "what for?". for my armpit! i need a toothpaste for my armpit. isn't it obvious what toothpaste is for?
so guys, my point is.. dont ever drink too much coffee, if you happened to do so, try to reduce it like once every 2 day. (i'm trying to.. =S) and dont... dont ever use toothpaste to clean your armpit..
aight! thats it.. my eyes are too heavy now.................. gooood nitez!

"she is wondering what is that thing with lenses in front of her' xD
this cat is like a drama queen. she may act damn cute, playing with her claws and etc, thats only when i look at her through the window. but once i try to reach out to her, she became like an outraged aunty. i dared myself to take a snapshot of her today as she rarely shows up nowadays, it happened real fast before she scratches me again and the result was quite good.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
new roomate, ramli, and Tebu's gayness

High & Dry
the atmosphere today is not very good, im feeling lethargic all day long this friday. By the time i woke up this morning, i received an anonymous call, i supposed its from a teacher, well guess what? its the annoying **** fitness guy. He is persuading me to join up for the gym and etc. Well i'm trying to listen but its just too pointless, i'm not joining anyway. So yeh, it kinda awkward cos i paused him halfway and rejected all the offer. But hell no, i'm not gonna spend $$ on it, i'm too broke for it ;D (thanks to budi for putting up my number there for the sake of FUN)
i wanna sleep folks! goood night!
fyi, budi is that 'chubby' guy right next to me....!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
EC Event report~
Before i go and participate into the games that were going on, i was reminded for the rules again. We're not to ask anything that is related to their parents during the event, and no speaking Indonesian which is the hardest. I speak indo to indo people, that is like my nature!
i wish i can show you guys some photos, but sadly i dont have any! the game is "Amazing Race" and it is being held the whole 7+ hours in East Coast itself. Pretty interesting, after dividing into 5 groups, all of the group are to solve the hint given. Each hint would probably tell you where you need to go followed with a game with a period of time to catch up. i would say that i hate the 'Human Bowling' game the most. Imagine, you have to slide yourself on a carpet fully covered with a THICK detergent, i mean REAL THICK, and hit the target balls. I hate it because i was doing it the wrong way that i slide and launch my leg first instead of my body. I got all my pants wet, slimy wet. Not only that, even the 'inside part' is all slimy. I felt like a Spongebob back there. Without any complain, i know Ken saw me how badly i jumped around and clean my pants. i immediately took my bike and brought myself into the nearest toilet to wash. Thanks to Ken for borrowing me his spare pants. Spongebob Sparepants!
My team made it in the 4th out of 5 groups. yayy. not bad, we actually thought we gonna be the last because we got stuck once in a game for so long. But we kept encouraging each other, that is what makes us a good team. our team was awarded with a blue sling bag. Not bad. After that, we gather and took a photo followed with a bye-bye session (i dunno what the hell should i call it). Overall, im so glad that i can share joy with them and met some new people.. And i know i was there not just by own will, but it was somehow i was meant to be there. I just have to be there without any explainable reason.