// wishlist, shoutout + + +
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
my suburban song
Lets put up a music video again! Kurt Nilsen feat. Willie Nelson - Lost Highway.
>>http://vagranci.deviantart.com/ <<
do click!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
faces page
Hey-hoo! Another post i'd like to put random picture of 2009 otk members in! I'd like to put more faces but unfortunately some of my other friends were missing in action.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
tripping eyes and flooded lungs
i'm not so into blogging nowadays because i have been dragging these darkclouds alongside me. what im tryin to say is i am having bad days - school matters. despite of that, nothing keeps me away from being a lazy ass. i sleep and sleep and sleep and dream in class. those interests in study are just sapped away. there is no why. dont bother to ask.
i've got to end this post right now, gomenasai. dont have much to say for now~ i promise i will be back within no more than 12 months! wanda will keep his words, dont worry.
"You come along because I ____ your face And I'll admire your ____ taste and
Monday, September 21, 2009
built and destroyed
Breaking news, Crayon ShinChan's author died in Gunma hiking accident.. So the comic ended at episode 49. Yes, it IS the last episode. I haven't get one, but i will. it had been a wonderful childhood i had with you.
Yoshito Usui was confirmed dead in hiking accident which according to the local police, his body fell 250 to 300 meters from the peak rock, worse is that he is already 51-year-old. He kept a habit of day-long hiking excursions all by his own. But he never came back the last time he headed to Arafune Mountain in Gunma. This saddened me of course, i'm one of Shinchan's huge fan. So do all the fans out there throughout the world.
Rest in Peace, Yoshito Usui.
Friday, September 18, 2009
boycott exam and verses
Check out Asher Roth as Eminem's replacement in the meantime. guaranteed nice songs.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tay-Pain Swifter
and anyway, the best rock video winner is Greenday's 21 Guns! I was waiting for FOB to make the acceptance speech this year, actually they deserve one! Haha but yeah, congratulation to Greenday!
Monday, September 14, 2009
"I can't tell you how dope I really think I am. I am super dope!"
As you all know...
Kanye West did it again.
His enormous ego is still there, i can't believe it!
If some of you don't know, what happened is;
During MTV VMA, no one had ever even guessed Taylor Swift would win the nomination. There were only 2 option, it is either Beyoncé or Lady Gaga who shall win. But then Taylor Swift was chosen to be the best female music video category.
She was overjoyed and about to make an acceptance speech
So this giantheaded Kanye West went onstage without any permission, rudely interrupting Taylor's acceptance speech and grabbed the mic from Taylor, and then he shouted "Beyonce has the best music video of all time!" repeatedly 2 times or more? Something like that.
I was so worked up for nothing.. Kanye has ruined the poor girl's first ever nomination. Well, i would like to say congratulation to Taylor Swift, good job.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
until you live a thousand times
ever suffer such feeling? yes? no? err..
I'm the one who always start to rather "break and laugh it off" than to go through the gut wrenching changes that could have made for the type of relationship that a person envisioned in the beginning.. well its not just merely about peer pressure and stuffs, it is about being you. But still, i'm just like the happy boy out there.
from this song, the linking message is about not changing who you are for the sake of people, no matter how painful it may be, because you are not going to step down. i'm glad for being honest here because it is best when you are writing stuffs just before you go to bed. whatever i say, whatever you want to think of. i'm bringing this song to my grave. nights.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
heart of From Yesterday
night oversight
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
the pester

Friday, September 4, 2009
sit through the weekend and dreaming
So what actually happened is, I threw the paper a couple of times at him to get his attention. So i tried to throw harder and finally got his attention but he mistakenly pointed the blame on Alex who walked pass him. Quite a funny guy. The video taker put him as "Stalker" because he likes to turn his head and looked at either Me, Lai Guan or Xiao Yuan for no reason. So yeah, feeling irritated by that, when it comes to making fun of people in class. "EDO" pops first in our head.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
September Hamstrung
Ok im supposed to be studying here rather than turning into some whiny kids.
Monday, August 31, 2009
what happens next?
It is like i am talking with Yoda

To them i'm either a failure of life or a 24/7 study-machine. Not that i'm calling myself a failure of life already.
What else can i wish for other than hoping they will call me asking how have i been or stuffs like that. And i wish i have the chance to reply them;
"Mum, Dad, can i switch off my brain for... ever?"
ps. ok before you click the buton below there, i know you may post a comment like GAMBATE or JIAYOU or CIAYO or CAIYO wanda... this post is just me scribbling out whatever i like. I dont really seek for sympathy or anything.
Love you guys. peace out.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
skipping the lies
This is my favourite of my old time! I wonder how old shinchan would be now if he really exists!
Aight, i know that i have been dead for a couple of days. i dont feel like blogging, and i dont feel like writing anything. so then i dont feel like posting anything. so these few days have been the least productive days of my life! and do you know what have i been up to? one thing for sure, i overslept, and i slept like a baby at home. i filled my head with miligrams that i realise it was just a little bit too much.
Okay okay. i admit that i have turned into Mr. Slob.. or.. Mr. Sit-On-My-Ass all day. Well i'm a MALE TEENAGER ok. And i have the right to use that as an excuse. (damn)
You know, no matter how i sometimes get annoyed by the way my parents driving me insane such as saying stuffs like.. "WANDA, YOU GOT A B3?! ONLY A B3?! YOU DISHONOR OUR FAMILY. NO EXTRA POCKET MONEY FOR YOU." or "WANDA! WANDA...! ARE YOU PLAYING GAMES AGAIN? DON'T YOU HAVE HOMEWORK TO DO? AND CAN YOU CLEAN UP YOUR OWN ROOM?!"
Sorry for the capital letters, but i find that when my parents are not around, i began to oversleep like crazy.. i dont have my usual alarm clock, you know, all sorts of responsibility stuffs. So you gotta realise that i trully, trully appreciate what they do. *awww...*
time to sleep.. why dont you guys check out NSGMUSIC from youtube. another cool indonesian mate. just seach for Indomie Girl from the youtube search bar.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Trying to forget everything that isn't me
Saturday, August 22, 2009
John Mayer - Say
I would like to say thank you very much to cecilia for the alarm clocks and memo. Have a great weekend.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
with smiles on our faces

So let me tell you about the guy in black tee in the 4th picture. His name is not freddy. The guy has a 'blackhole' somewhere along his digestion process, this provides an advantage for him to enjoy his life to the fullest for eating 2 to 3 times bigger portion compared to me. And that disregard his smaller body size. What sucks are he eat no spice food and no veggie.
So, that is unhealthy my friend! XD and that includes for not eating spicy food cus spicy food only came from heaven for its heavenly taste.champagne cheers for my real friends
Monday, August 17, 2009
my brucelee attacks against their mindgames
I don't know why i've been asked for dating advice or been told stories about their broken-hearted-tales!? that is like asking stuffs that i have no knowledge about! My respond will always be like "you are asking, ME?" and for the stories, yo, sorry but probably i gonna act dead halfway the story. Just to make you stop.
If you're asking stuff like that.. Here is my own personal experience....
I used to be livin in a cave full of books and games. So i don't really mess with chicks cus i suck on how to deal with them xD
Well you know, to me, females were like a whole different species. There should be a show in Discovery Channels observing and studying about them and their habitats.
One time, they just drove me insane! A calm-looking hot girl may just turn out to be as aggresive as hungry beasts. It is like.. i have to use my bruce lee attacks to keep them away from me cus they even hide on the trees and when i walk pass by, they gonna jump kamikaze attack me.
I also find it hard sometimes to have proper conversations with ladies because we just never share the same interests. They like to makeup. YES, i like to "make up" stuffs xD.
Look, how annoying will it be when they give you answers like some retarded mixed signals.
It's like.. i ask her nicely, "Shall we hangout tonight?", she would give me the most annoying answer possible...
Then another time, i'm being freaking nice, "Let's have dinner together?". And then she answered..
Ohh, i understand now.. You KINDA like me cus MAYBE i'm KINDA too good-looking.. just like i KINDA want to kick you in the face...
Uhh. So that's me. Yeah. But readers, don't take me wrong. I never really dislike females. I was only showing what i felt and i think most of them are pretty funny.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
how cruel the Golden Rule is
Luke 10:25-28
And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou? And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.
This is what i found when i was figuring out about some "ethicological" things which at the same time is within Christian circles, quite kewl knowing non-believers would definitely slide down into hell?
Just a thought, the hero lives - and the bad guy..?
it is always the shining people, the unselfish one that people originally would pray to be.
"From comparing myself to everyone else around me, i may not be making any sense because of having thoughts like kids who never make it." - i'll keep that in mind, mate. i feel like taking sour sips from life's lush (abundant) lips, thanks; glad to know how "constructive" the words from your mouths are.
At around 18.00PM i was thinking to dine with friends @ Novena Ayam Penyet so then i called Budi if he might still be working. Unfortunately, he got a prayer meeting to attend so he could not stay after 8. He asked me whether i need to reserve seats and i said yes. However, some friends called me later on telling me they could not make it. As only few people left, we decided to cancel the dinner. Then i texted Budi that we actually are not going to come, and this is his reply "Ndk apa de. Ga tau knp. Aku juga heran. Tadi aku tiba2 lupa (loh). Then pas doa barusan baru inget then tiba2 ada yang bilang 'dun worry'. Then aku cek hp. U blg ga jadi! Halelujah! Aku masih stunned sampe skarang! God is so awesome!"
i never reply him, he supposed to be busy at that time. Hmm he must be very tired that he forgets things so easily. And wow, he forget things for good! and all the best bud, i can only wish the best for you.
at trust, love and hope -
no matter how golden-plated the life you lived, the dreamers would stay away from you and mothers who raised their babies would pray for them not to grow just to be you. Golden Rule is cruel.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
never the same person when i go to sleep
Here’s a little mathematical formula that might help
Answer these questions:
Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
THEN, look how far the love of God will take you:
12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+4 = 101%
Whaaat about this category of love........!! ok i gotta go. the rest is up to you.
See you guys. Love you guys. Thanks for the visits, please do so often. :D
Friday, August 7, 2009
What A Catch, Donnie

"it is close, yet i laid myself aside from Him"

"some friends are like black holes, but some are like stars"

"people don't bother gay, gays bother themselves"
I have been eagerly following up Pete Wentz on twitter for the release date of official video "What A Catch, Donnie" which is on this 6th of August. and finally...!
It is rumored this gonna be their last video, which means there gonna be no FOB anymore? i am not certain, but it is just a rumour.
This is the coolest part of the video, which they collaborated with several other artists especially Brendon Urie:
(u can hear their voice near the ending of the song)
- Elvis Costello - "Headfirst Slide into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet"
- Gabe Saporta (Cobra Starship) - "Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy"
- Travis McCoy (Gym Class Heroes) - "Sugar, We're Goin Down"
- Brendon Urie (Panic! at the Disco) - "Dance, Dance"
- Doug Neumann (Doug) - "This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race"
- Alex DeLeon (The Cab) - "Thnks fr th Mmrs"
- William Beckett (The Academy Is...) - "Growing Up"
Fall Out Boy - What A Catch, Donnie from clandestine on Vimeo.
The video depicts lead singer Patrick Stump alone at sea trying to find his way home.
Throughout most of the video he is fishing, reading in his cabin and suffering from loneliness.
Eventually, he finds a seagull trapped in ropes on his ship. He frees and befriends the bird and so the two set sail together and Patrick is no longer lonely. Towards the end of the video, Patrick stops to fish again but finds strange objects such as deer antlers (from Deerboy in " Sugar, We're Going Down"), a black and white striped jacket (the jacket Patrick wore in "Dance Dance"), and a bass drum (one of Andy Hurley's drums).
Finally, he comes across a sign featuring the letters F, O and B (the sign from "Thnks fr th Mmrs"). He then looks up and spots a sinking ship. He immediately turns the boat around to rescue the survivors on the dinghies (who are none other than Joe Trohman, Andy Hurley, Spencer Smith, Brendon Urie, Tony Chaw and everyone else who has worked with Fall Out Boy over the past few years). Once all of the survivors are on the boat, Patrick looks back at the sinking ship and spots Pete Wentz who is sinking along with his vessel. Pete salutes a Thank You to Patrick and goes down with the ship, dying honorably. Hence the lyrics, "They say the captain goes down with the ship." Now with plenty of people and getting closer to shore, Patrick then sets free his Seagull friend and watches him fly off with his family into the coast, ending the video.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Τι είναι αυτό
From this short film, it defeats me how sometimes i tend to respond unpleasantly to simple questions from my parents like "what are you doing?", "what did you eat?". Maybe i'm just annoyed because they often called me when i'm in a middle of something. But damn when i try to think harder, how did they manage to take care of me since i was a baby. I had annoyed them far more too much in many ways.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
"what brendah said"
Toooonightt on msn. A self-proclaimed hypermaker Brenda still just keeps on with her random talks.. so do i...
So with her approval to cut and paste some of the conversation made, here's what happened...